million face crisis
level food insecurity.
Peopel survive on less
than $1.90 per day.
Psalm 146:8
Sustainable projects describe a growing part of our ministry in which we train Churches in effective agriculture and business practices, investing in opportunities that help provide a financial base for long-term ministry (Proverbs 24:27). Each year more is reinvested from proceeds to ensure that greater resources are available for future church needs, including church planting.
million people survive on
less than $1.90 per day.
Investing in sustainable ministry is a key characteristic of GC Missions work. These resources will help provide national Churches with long-term means to assist, create jobs for members, support evangelistic outreach and pastors, dig wells, build churches, clinics, and Bible schools.
$50 will purchase enough seed and tools for a church to plant 1 acre in some countries and produce many times that amount in income at the first harvest.
$500 can provide the resources needed for a church to develop a program to sustain their local church ministry.
$5,000 can form a cooperative, creating jobs for brethren in any country. This will provide support for their families and at the same time enable them to give tithes and offerings to maintain their local church.
To start, a church outlines a project proposal. When a proposal is approved and funded, the project starts. Training is organized through local instructors if needed. At the end of a period of 4-6 months, the beneficiaries repay the initial investment, providing what is needed to start a similar investment elsewhere.
As a result, the investments made by GC Missions capitalize on the Church’s ability to sustain long-term growth from local resources, rather than creating dependency from abroad to maintain the status quo. Your support not only makes an impact now, but for generations to come.
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