God sets the lonely in families.

Orphans and Widows

Million Orphans
Million Widows

God's priority is our priority

Orphans and Widows are important to God and His Church. James 1:27 states, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” These are the least and most vulnerable among us. Today, it is estimated there are over 153 children worldwide who are orphans. If they are God’s priority, they should be ours as well. Will you help meet the need?

Let's defeat loneliness together

Loneliness is one of the greatest health risks we face. Lonley people are at an increased risk of physical and social ailments like depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, and obesity. Sadly, many orphans and widows experience loneliness due the unexpected loss of a spouse or abandonment. Our mission is to love and provide social connection for orphans and widows while helping them find sustainable solutions for family care.

Give others lasting hope

GC Missions takes that very seriously. We work with national churches to support women and children who have no means of support to provide healthcare, education, and a spiritual family where they can grow in their walk with Christ.

Sponsor a Child

$30/month will cover basic personal, health, and educational expenses.

Sponsor a Widow

$50/month will provide basic training and tools to sustain herself independently.

Vulnerable to societal ills

Orphans face obstacle after obstacle including but not limited to extreme poverty, lack of education, lack of access to basic medical care, and sexual exploitation. And the problems multiply once a child turns 18 and seeks to live life independently. Your donation will provide an orphan with the basic building blocks of living.